Welcome back to the top 10 Viral videos of the week!

10 – This mother duck was separated from her ducklings as they fell down a grate. Luckily the fire service were on hand to help out!


9 – These fisherman were caught off guard as a humpback whale almost destroyed their boat!


8 – Jimmy Fallon is a very talented man. But it’s safe to say that Yoga is not his thing!


7 – Following his loss at the Emmy’s, I don’t think Jimmy Kimmel appreciated Matt Damon coming out to console him on stage!


6 – This Pizza Delivery man tried to show off his skills on his Motorbike, Safe to say it didn’t go too well!


5 – This man was assaulted and mugged while playing Pokemon Go in the street!


4 – Footage has emerged of the bomb blast in Manhattan on the 18th September


3 – Dogs aren’t known for their ability to play hide & seek, and after watching this I don’t think they will be anytime soon!


2 – This man only just escaped certain death after a horrible crash during a F1 Airplane race!


1 – I’m not crying … You’re crying!


Thanks for tuning in to the Top 10 Viral Videos of the week! Be sure to come back next week for another list of 10 great videos!