CDP is a charity that specialises in positive changes that effect the environment, focusing on companies, cities and regions.
In 2017 CDP released a short film showing what cities are doing, and can do, to help prevent climate change. The video was released alongside CDP’s Open Data Portal, a database detailing work already untaken by more than 600 cities worldwide.
Secure coverage for the video on blogs and websites
Increase views of the video
Increase signatures of Greenpeace’s petition
Viral Seeding put together a strategy which consisted of:
• A two phase approach, contacting industry news and web culture sites
• Outreach and placement to blogs and high traffic websites
• Increasing the views on YouTube and LinkedIn via highly targeted promotion
Researching and putting together an extensive list of target websites
Drafting an outreach template which included key campaign information
Individually contacting blogs and websites to sell in the story
Organising placements on websites we have pre-established relationships with
Set up highly targeted promotion on LinkedIn focusing on influential city leaders
Set up YouTube targeting to raise awareness of the work undertaken
Regular monitoring for new coverage and researching breaking news stories to encourage inclusion of the video
A second phase dedicated to the LinkedIn promotion of coverage secured as part of phase one
Daily reporting and final project evaluation
Campaign Results
8 pieces of coverage secured to over 5.3m monthly unique visitors
21k views via YouTube promotion
51k+ impressions on LinkedIn
Highlights & coverage
Reference links
Work with us
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